Friday 23 November 2012

Character Concept

The art off Jeff MD is the online blog and portfolio of Jeff MD. He is a digital concept artist and had headlined on such magazines as fantasy art. This image entitled "Zhetri" is a female character concept based on a gladiator/japanese look. Using references he has come up with a good piece of fantasy art that you could see being used in games at a professional level. 

These are my six sketches that i have done to get an idea of what i wanted to draw. I had an idea of an ancient soldier and thats what i wanted to come up with.

This is the refined sketch for my final piece on my character concept.

This my final piece of my character concept. During my refined sketch stage i was struggling to come up with a weapon and shield  for my character as he is a soldier. Through further reaserch and using my previous reaserch i came up with some appropriate weaponary for my character. I also felt that adding some sngel wings gave him a more epic feel. Maybe he is battling the forces of hell i dont know, but i have given enough information to let game developers give him the characteristics and fell of a real character.

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